Spanish pronunciation and grammar

It would be really complicated to post articles about the Spanish grammar besides the word learning articles, so I simply show this book and you can learn from it anytime you want. :)

In my opinion this is a great starting book(and also free). I like it because I can easily understand it, learn from it really quickly, lots of useful sentences and words, all of the major grammar rules are in it.
"Book definition
Scope: This Wikibook aims to teach the Spanish language from scratch. It will cover all of the major grammar rules, moving slowly and offering exercises and plenty of examples. It's not all grammar though, as it offers vocabulary and phrases too, appealing to all learners. By the end, you should be able to read and write Spanish skilfully, though you'll need a human to help with listening and speaking.
Purpose: The purpose of this Wikibook is to teach you the Spanish language in an easy and accessible way. By the end, as mentioned, you should be a proficient reader and writer, though listening and speaking require a human tutor.
Click here to open the Free wikibook
Audience: Anyone who wishes to learn Spanish, though adult and teenage learners are likely to enjoy it more.
Organisation: This Wikibook requires no prior knowledge of the subject, and all relevant terms are explained as they are encountered. The book runs chronologically from lesson 1 to lesson 2 to lesson 3 and so on until the end.
Narrative: Generally engaging and thorough, with plenty of examples and exercises to aid learning. Once concepts are introduced, they are repeated, building a base of vocabulary and grammar that will stay in your mind."

Click here or on the text under the picture to find out more: Wikibook: Spanish