Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Let's learn some words: Animals 2

Hi again,
             this is the second word package, which is related to animals. I hope by the time you read this post, you can use the learning technique that I have mentioned in my second post. If you can use it then nothing can stop you from learning these new words in a really short period of time but if you can't, then just check it again ;)! I think I will write every animal that I have just memorised and of course I will give you hints too, but not for all, because you need to "do some words for yourself". . You simply have to learn to do it by yourself too. Maybe that was a bit rude from me, but I can't be there always if you learn a new Spanish word to tell that you have to imagine this and imagine that and then how to combine it. :) Let's get it started!

English - Spanish
animals - animales

cat - gato: gato - "o" and +  "e" =gate , imagine that a cat is jumping on a gate
fox - zorro: that's all, impossible to forget
fish - pez: no need to change the Spanish word, pez like the candy, imagine a fish shaped pez

goat - cabra: easy one, Chupa(cabra), ready... next one :)
frog - rana: just imagine a running frog like this, well, okay... I know that this is a dancing frog but you still can't forget it :D
monkey - mono: another easy one, imagine this monkey in a TV while he is pointing one the mono sound
chicken - pollo: pollo - "l"= polo, and imagine a chicken who plays polo
owl - búho: you can find a litte similiarity between the Spanish word and what the owl "says"

Okay, that's all for now. I'm pretty tired now so I think I'm going to sleep.:) Just go on in the same way with the following words.

dog - perro
horse - caballo
rabbit - conejo
bear - oso
stork - cigüeña
deer - ciervo
pig - cerdo
pigeon - paloma
squirrel - ardilla
wolf - lobo
bull - toro
beaver - castor
rhino - rinoceronte
goose - ganso
shark - tiburón
turtle - tortuga
pheasant - faisán

In my next post I will write some insects or insectos. Maybe this is quite odd for you and you might ask this question: " Why do I learn these words instead of the Hi(Hola), How are you(¿Qué tal? ¿ Cómo estás?), Good day(¡Buenos días!), etc.". The answer is easy. These words are perfect for practicing the word learning technique and if you learn it now, then every word will be easier.

If you want to chill out a bit, you can play game(s) here, if you like computer games or just simply go outside for a walk or do some exercises or whatever you would like to do:). Have fun!